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Posts Tagged ‘Pizza Snobz

There’s a new slice in town: Deep-fried pizza [Video]

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As a well-seasoned food writer, I’ve learned that some culinary challenges aren’t worth the indigestion they can cause.

But there are others that grip the imagination and demand immediate investigation, like my latest hot tip: A Wilson takeout shop called Pizza Snobz is serving deep-fried pizza!

At first, there’s total silence as we focus on this experience. Then, my pizza pal observes, ”It doesn’t taste as greasy as I expected. And I’m totally full, even though my slice was smaller than yours.” She never has lost her eye for equal pizza.

But how does it taste? We decide it’s like downing mozzarella sticks that have been flattened and drizzled with tomato dipping sauce.

Read more and watch the video of the process:  There’s a new slice in town: Deep-fried pizza

Written by allpositivenews

02/26/2009 at 6:21 pm