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Twitchhiking: Man hitchhikes across globe using only Twitter [Video]

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This is a fun story!

Forget sticking out your thumb to hitch a ride. One man is making his way around the world using a new fangled way of hitch-hiking. He’s getting help via twitter. He calls it twitch-hiking.

Paul Smith started out in the United Kingdom and on Thursday is in Wichita thanks to some help from complete strangers.

“There are some very generous people who want to see this happen,” said Smith.

A freelance journalist from England, Smith happened to come up with the idea last month. The plan is to get from his hometown to a small island off the coast of New Zealand in 30 days relying only on the help from people who use twitter.

“I just put a note out saying this is something I want to try and that I need some help if this is going to work ,” said Smith.

And support him the tweeps have.

After a few days in Europe, someone bought him a flight to New York City. Then he traveled to Washington D.C., across the country to Chicago, onto Kansas City and then drove into Wichita Thursday night.

“I thought it would work. I hoped it would work and there’s been a couple of shaky moments where I thought it was all going to fall apart for me but it’s happening and it’s proved my faith in twitter,” said Smith.

The twitter faithful are invigorated by his test. Carrie Follis is putting him up in her house during his Wichita stopover.

“I called my husband and I said, “What do you think about having a total stranger stay at our house tonight?'” she said. “He was, like, ‘That might be kind of cool'”

After a night in Wichita, Smith’s next stop is in Austin, Texas. He hopes to make it to the West Coast by next week and hopefully from there to his final destination.

“I honestly believe through the power of twitter that somehow, and I don’t know how, I will travel across the Pacific. I don’t know how it’s going to happen but I think it will,” said Smith.

Smith is also using this journey to draw attention to his favorite charity. To find out more about that and his trip in general you can go to his site on Facebook.

Read more and see this story: Man Hitchhikes Across Globe Using Only Twitter

You can follow his travels on his blog as well: Twitchhiker Blog

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